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  1. Research on effects of home computer use on children’s development of cognitive abilities and skills has yielded conflicting results, with some studies showing positive effects, others no effects, and yet othe...

    Authors: Monica Rosén and Jan-Eric Gustafsson
    Citation: Large-scale Assessments in Education 2016 4:5
  2. Influence of external factors in general, and socioeconomic background factors in particular, on traditional reading performance has been extensively researched and debated. While traditional reading is well i...

    Authors: Maria A. Rasmusson
    Citation: Large-scale Assessments in Education 2016 4:3
  3. While expectations are high for early childhood education to support students’ reading literacy, research findings are inconclusive. The purpose of the study is to estimate the effect of preschool non-partici...

    Authors: Nina Hogrebe and Rolf Strietholt
    Citation: Large-scale Assessments in Education 2016 4:2
  4. Relationships among motivational constructs from the 2011 Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS 2011) were investigated for eight-graders in all the five participating African countries,...

    Authors: Emmanuel Adu-tutu Bofah and Markku S. Hannula
    Citation: Large-scale Assessments in Education 2015 3:4
  5. The results of the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) 2012 showed that Indonesia, Malaysia, and Thailand underperformed and were positioned in the bottom third out of 65 participating countr...

    Authors: Lei Mee Thien, I. Gusti Ngurah Darmawan and Mei Yean Ong
    Citation: Large-scale Assessments in Education 2015 3:3
  6. In this paper, we consider a two-level multidimensional item response model that examines country differences in extreme response style (ERS) as a possible cause for the achievement-attitude paradox in PISA 20...

    Authors: Yi Lu and Daniel M. Bolt
    Citation: Large-scale Assessments in Education 2015 3:2
  7. Educators, researchers and policy-makers worldwide continue to struggle to understand the changes needed for improving educational outcomes and attainment for students, particularly in content areas such as ma...

    Authors: Laura M O’Dwyer, Yang Wang and Katherine A Shields
    Citation: Large-scale Assessments in Education 2015 3:1
  8. On the basis of a ‘problem solving as an educational outcome’ point of view, we analyse the contribution of math and science competence to analytical problem-solving competence and link the acquisition of prob...

    Authors: Ronny Scherer and Jens F Beckmann
    Citation: Large-scale Assessments in Education 2014 2:10
  9. In order to measure the proficiency of person populations in various domains, large-scale assessments often use marginal maximum likelihood IRT models where person proficiency is modelled as a random variable....

    Authors: Sebastian Weirich, Nicole Haag, Martin Hecht, Katrin Böhme, Thilo Siegle and Oliver Lüdtke
    Citation: Large-scale Assessments in Education 2014 2:9
  10. Low-stakes assessments do not have consequences for the test-takers. Currently, motivational research indicates that a lack of test-taking motivation can decrease students’ performance in low-stakes assessment...

    Authors: Christiane Penk, Claudia Pöhlmann and Alexander Roppelt
    Citation: Large-scale Assessments in Education 2014 2:5
  11. This study examined the impact of the reading-related affective factors home environment and school environment on predicting the likelihood of students being either high-proficiency or low-proficiency readers. D...

    Authors: Shek Kam Tse and Xiao-yun Xiao
    Citation: Large-scale Assessments in Education 2014 2:6
  12. When studying student performance across different countries or cultures, an important aspect for comparisons is that of score comparability. In other words, it is imperative that the latent variable (i.e., co...

    Authors: Dubravka Svetina and Leslie Rutkowski
    Citation: Large-scale Assessments in Education 2014 2:4
  13. Earlier studies using a double perspective (destination & origin) indicate that several macro-characteristics of both destination and origin countries affect the educational performance of migrant children. Th...

    Authors: Jaap Dronkers, Mark Levels and Manon de Heus
    Citation: Large-scale Assessments in Education 2014 2:3
  14. As the popularity of classroom observations has increased, they have been implemented in many longitudinal studies with large probability samples. Given the complexity of longitudinal measurements, there is a ...

    Authors: Sunhee Kim and Gregory Camilli
    Citation: Large-scale Assessments in Education 2014 2:1
  15. The Teacher Education and Development Study in Mathematics (TEDS-M) of 2008 focused on how teachers are prepared to teach mathematics in primary and lower-secondary schools in 17 countries. The main results we...

    Authors: Sabine Meinck and Michael C Rodriguez
    Citation: Large-scale Assessments in Education 2013 1:7
  16. In the context of international large scale assessments, it is often not feasible to implement a complete survey of all relevant populations. For example, the OECD Program for International Student Assessment ...

    Authors: David Kaplan and Alyn Turner McCarty
    Citation: Large-scale Assessments in Education 2013 1:6
  17. While rotated test booklets have been employed in large-scale assessments to increase the content coverage of the assessments, rotation has not yet been applied to the context questionnaires administered to re...

    Authors: Raymond J Adams, Petra Lietz and Alla Berezner
    Citation: Large-scale Assessments in Education 2013 1:5
  18. This study explored the credibility of Swedish third-grade students’ self-assessments of their reading achievement by relating those assessments to two different criteria—teachers’ judgments and students’ read...

    Authors: Stefan Johansson
    Citation: Large-scale Assessments in Education 2013 1:3
  19. The association between frequent use of certain instructional practices in mathematics and science and learning outcomes in schools in low-, medium-, and high-achieving countries is the focus of this study. It...

    Authors: Ruth Zuzovsky
    Citation: Large-scale Assessments in Education 2013 1:2
  20. Since the early days of international large-scale assessments, an overarching aim has been to use the world as an educational laboratory so countries can learn from one another and develop educational systems ...

    Authors: Rolf Strietholt, Monica Rosén and Wilfried Bos
    Citation: Large-scale Assessments in Education 2013 1:1

Annual Journal Metrics

  • Citation Impact 2023
    Journal Impact Factor: 2.6
    5-year Journal Impact Factor: 4.2
    Source Normalized Impact per Paper (SNIP): 1.943
    SCImago Journal Rank (SJR): 1.256

    Speed 2023
    Submission to first editorial decision (median days): 28
    Submission to acceptance (median days): 324

    Usage 2023
    Downloads: 418,474
    Altmetric mentions: 133

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Large-scale Assessments in Education is fully sponsored by IERI – International Educational Research Institute, and the International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement (IEA) that focuses on improving the science of large-scale assessments. Authors do not need to pay an article-processing charge.