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An IERI – International Educational Research Institute Journal

Table 1 Summary of the papers included in the Special Issue

From: Investigating the effect of COVID-19 disruption in education using REDS data




Research focus

Research method

Bertoletti et al., (2023a, 2023b)

REDS Student Survey

Russian Federation, Slovenia, Uzbekistan, and the United Arab Emirates

Measuring the differences in the impact of the Covid-19 disruption on the learning outcomes of girls and boys and identifying the channels that may account for potential gender gaps

Ordered logit model, and Karlson-Holm-Breen decomposition

Diaz Lema et al. (2023)

REDS School Survey, REDS Teacher Survey

Russian Federation, Uzbekistan, and the United Arab Emirates

Understanding how factors related to the provision of digital equipment and the implementation of digital strategies by schools explain their impact on teachers' well-being during the Covid-19 emergency

Linear mixed effect models, and Regression Trees

Kennedy, Mejía-Rodríguez & Strello (2022)

REDS Student Survey, REDS School Survey

Denmark, Ethiopia, Kenya, the Russian Federation, Slovenia, United Arab Emirates, Uzbekistan

Exploring within-country and between-country inequality in three components of remote learning quality: Access to Suitable Technology, Effective Teachers, and Engaged Students

Confirmatory factor analysis, linear regression

Mirazchiyski and Klemenčič Mirazchiyski (2023)

REDS School Survey, REDS Teacher Survey, REDS Student Survey


Exploring both teachers' school principals’ and students' perceptions of the learning outcomes during the school disruptions caused by the Covid-19 pandemic

Descriptive and multivariate statistical methods

Rožman et al. (2023)

REDS Student Survey

Burkina Faso, Denmark, Ethiopia, Kenya, the Russian Federation, Slovenia, the United Arab Emirates, Uzbekistan

Investigating students' concerns related to Covid-19 as a component of their emotional well-being. Studying the variation in students' Covid-19-related concerns as a function of students' characteristics

item response theory, linear regression

Shelton and Gezer (2023)

REDS Student Survey

Burkina Faso, Denmark, Ethiopia, Kenya, the United Arab Emirates

Examining the variation in perceptions of educational experiences among students with disabilities in comparison to their peers without disabilities during Covid-19 disruption

Descriptive statistics, and T-tests

  1. The studies are ordered alphabetically