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An IERI – International Educational Research Institute Journal

Table 7 Description of predictor variables

From: Factors related to students’ psychological distress during COVID-19 disruption across countries


Question Stem


Variable Name

Response Scale

Stressful situations*

Were you affected by any of the following situations during the COVID-19 disruption?

One or both of my parents/ guardians lost their job.


0 = No;

1 = Yes

Our family had to be more careful with money than usual.



One or both of my parents/ guardians had to work from home.



One or both of my parents/ guardians were stressed about their job



Our family had to move to live in a new location.



I had to live away from my parents/ guardians.



School support

To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements about how you felt during the COVID-19 disruption?

I felt supported by my school.


0 = Strongly disagree;

1 = Disagree;

2 = Agree;

3 = Strongly agree

School belonging


I still felt part of the school.



Physical health

To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements about your well-being during the COVID-19 disruption?

I felt fit and healthy.



Disrupted sleep


I did not sleep as well as before the COVID-19 disruption.



Preparedness for future disruptions

Overall, how prepared do you feel for learning from home if your school building closed for an extended period in the future?



1 = Not prepared at all;

2 = Not very prepared;

3 = Well prepared;

4 = Very well prepared

  1. The variable stressful situations was created by summing up the number of situations students experienced