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An IERI – International Educational Research Institute Journal

Table 13 Frequencies of the extent to school principals believe COVID-19 disruption will have lasting impact on students’ academic outcomes

From: Students’ and teachers’ perceptions of students’ academic outcomes in Slovenia: evidence from REDS data


All students

Low-achieving students

High-achieving students

Low-income background students

Percentages (SE)

Percentages (SE)

Percentages (SE)

Percentages (SE)

Substantially increased

0.85 (0.85)

1.30 (0.97)

0.85 (0.85)

1.30 (0.97)

Increased to some degree

1.19 (0.86)

0.75 (0.75)

9.02 (2.80)

Did not change

13.19 (3.51)

8.89 (3.33)

67.08 (4.40)

32.88 (5.40)

Decreased to some degree

74.77 (4.87)

38.06 (4.97)

21.89 (3.47)

51.03 (6.10)

Substantially decreased

9.99 (3.57)

51.00 (5.44)

1.15 (0.84)

14.78 (3.90)