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An IERI – International Educational Research Institute Journal

Fig. 6 | Large-scale Assessments in Education

Fig. 6

From: A primer on continuous-time modeling in educational research: an exemplary application of a continuous-time latent curve model with structured residuals (CT-LCM-SR) to PISA Data

Fig. 6

Model implied expected trajectories given past observations of four PISA countries’ mean reading literacy score development. CNT = country code, Slope = country specific growth rate (dotted lines). The solid black line represents the expected model implied trajectory given past observations for a respective country. The predictions are a combination of both process components (linear trend and dynamics; cf. Eq. 8, 9). The slope parameter estimates are obtained from the trend component of the CT-LCM-SR and are represented by the dotted lines. The deviations from the trend and the subsequent carry-over effects are described by the dynamic component of the CT-LCM-SR

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