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An IERI – International Educational Research Institute Journal

Table 1 Items for the assessment of ICT Engagement

From: ICT Engagement: a new construct and its assessment in PISA 2015

ICT interest


I forget about time when I’m using digital devices


The Internet is a great resource for obtaining information I am interested in (e.g. news, sports, dictionary)


It is very useful to have social networks on the internet


I am really excited discovering new digital devices or applications


I really feel bad if no internet connection is possible


I like using digital devices

Perceived ICT competence


I feel comfortable using digital devices that I am less familiar with


If my friends and relatives want to buy new digital devices or applications, I can give them advice


I feel comfortable using my digital devices at home


When I come across problems with digital devices, I think I can solve them


If my friends and relatives have a problem with digital devices, I can help them

Perceived autonomy in ICT use


If I need new software, I install it by myself


I read information about digital devices to be independent


I use digital devices as I want to use them


If I have a problem with digital devices, I start to solve it on my own


If I need a new application, I choose it by myself

ICT as a topic in social interaction


To learn something new about digital devices, I like to talk about them with my friends


I like to exchange solutions to problems with digital devices with others on the internet


I like to meet friends and play computer and video games with them


I like to share information about digital devices with my friends


I learn a lot about digital media by discussing with my friends and relatives

  1. Instruction in these scales was “Thinking about your experience with digital media and digital devices: to what extent do you disagree or agree with the following statements?