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An IERI – International Educational Research Institute Journal

Table 9 Extra items on instructional quality in TIMSS 2015

From: Instructional quality: catalyst or pitfall in educational systems’ aim for high achievement and equity? An answer based on multilevel SEM analyses of TIMSS 2015 data in Flanders (Belgium), Germany, and Norway



Classroom management

Question: How often do these things happen in your mathematics lessons?

Response categories: never or hardly ever (0), some lessons (1), most lessons (2), every lesson (3)

(CM1) Students don’t listen to what the teacher says

(CM2) There is noise and disorder

(CM3) Our mathematics teacher has to wait a long time for students to quiet down

(CM4) Students cannot work well

(CM5) Students don’t start working for a long time after the lesson begins

Supportive climate Flanders and Germany

Question: To what extent do you agree with the following statements?

Response categories: disagree a lot (0), disagree a little (1), agree a little (2), agree a lot (3)

(SC1) Our mathematics teacher is nice to me even when I make a mistake

(SC2) Our mathematics teacher cares about me

(SC3) Our mathematics teacher tells me how to do better when I make a mistake

(SC4) Our mathematics teacher likes me

(SC5) Our mathematics teacher believes that I can solve difficult tasks

Supportive climate Norway

Question: How often does your mathematics teacher do the following?

Response categories: never or hardly ever (0), some lessons (1), most lessons (2), every lesson (3)

(SC1) Show an interest in every student’s learning

(SC2) Give extra help when students need it

(SC3) Help students with their learning

(SC4) Continue teaching until the students understand

(SC5) Give students the opportunity to express opinions

(SC6) Set clear learning goals

(SC7) Explain what he/she expects us to learn

(SC8) Ask questions to check if we understand the content of the lesson

(SC9) Explain how new topics relate to previous lessons, at the beginning of the lesson

(SC10) Summarize what we have covered at the end of the lesson

Cognitive activation

Question: To what extent do you agree with the following statements?

Response categories: disagree a lot (0), disagree a little (1), agree a little (2), agree a lot (3)

(CA1) In our mathematics lessons, we are working on tasks that I have to think about very thoroughly

(CA2) Our mathematics teacher asks me what I have understood and what I haven’t

(CA3) Our mathematics teacher asks questions that I have to think about very thoroughly

(CA4) Our mathematics teacher gives us tasks that seem to be difficult at a first glance

(CA5) Our mathematics teacher asks what we know about a new topic

(CA6) Our mathematics teacher gives us tasks I like to think about

(CA7) Our mathematics teacher wants me to be able to explain my answers