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Table 1 Items of the readiness-to-learn scale in the piaac background questionnaire

From: Who likes to learn new things: measuring adult motivation to learn with PIAAC data from 21 countries


Items from PIAAC (original variable name)

Similar items from educational psychology research



When I hear or read about new ideas, I try to relate them to real life situations to which they might apply. (I_Q04b)

I try to relate ideas in this subject to those in other courses whenever possible

Learning strategies from the MSLQ (Duncan and McKeachie 2005)


I like learning new things. (I_Q04d)

In a class like this, I prefer course material that really challenges me so that I can learn new things. Why do you go to college? Because I experience pleasure and satisfaction while learning new things

Motivation from the MSQL (Duncan and McKeachie 2005), intrinsic motivation (Vallerand et al. 1992)


When I come across something new, I try to relate it to what I already know. (I_Q04h)

When reading for this class, I try to relate the material to what I already know

Learning strategies from the MSLQ (Duncan and McKeachie 2005)


I like to get to the bottom of difficult things. (I_Q04j)

The most satisfying thing for me is to understand the content as thoroughly as possible. I enjoy puzzling over […] problems

Motivation from the MSQL (Duncan and McKeachie 2005), intrinsic task value (Trautwein et al. 2012)


I like to figure out how different ideas fit together. (I_Q04l)

I like the subject matter of this course. Why do you go to college? For the high feeling that I experience while reading on various interesting subjects

Motivation from the MSQL (Duncan and McKeachie 2005), intrinsic motivation (Vallerand et al. 1992)


If I don’t understand something, I look for additional information to make it clearer. (I_Q04m)

If I can learn something new in […], I’m prepared to use my free time to do so. Understanding […] is important to me

Intrinsic task value (Trautwein et al. 2012); mastery goal orientation (Harackiewicz et al. 1997)

  1. Verbatim questions: “I would now like to ask you some questions about how you deal with problems and tasks you encounter. To what extent do the following statements apply to you?”; answers have been recorded using the following response options: 1 not at all, 2 very little, 3 to some extent, 4 to a high extent, 5 to a very high extent