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An IERI – International Educational Research Institute Journal

Table 3 Regression analyses on testing the confounding effects of country-specific characteristics on the relation between math-science coherence and problem solving competence ( N  = 41)

From: The acquisition of problem solving competence: evidence from 41 countries that math and science education matters


Model M0

Model M1

Country-specific characteristics

β (SE)

β (SE)

Math-science coherence r(M,S)

.76 (.07)***

.17 (.08)*

Society-related factors:


 National Intelligence


.49 (.08)***

 Human Development Index


.31 (.09)**

Curriculum-related factors:


 Educational objectives (1 = progressive)


-.04 (.06)

 Science curriculum (1 = integrated)


.14 (.05)**

School-related factors:


 Frequency of assessments


-.15 (.05)**

 Educational resources


.09 (.07)

 School autonomy


.22 (.06)***

R2 (SE)

.57 (.10)***

.93 (.02)***

Confounder effect β M0 -β M1


.59 (.06)***

  1. Note. The confounder effect β M0 -β M1 between Models M0 and M1 tested against zero.
  2. *p < .05, **p < .01, ***p < .001.