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An IERI – International Educational Research Institute Journal

Table 7 The List of Items which were used to create the variable of interest by PISA (OECD, 2014)

From: Effects of classroom and school climate on language minority students’ PISA mathematics self-concept and achievement scores



Students’ Mathematics Self-Concept

·I am just not good at mathematics.

·I get good <grades> in mathematics.

·I learn mathematics quickly.

·I have always believed that mathematics is one of my best subjects.

·In my mathematics class, I understand even the most difficult work.

Mathematics Teacher’s Classroom Management

·My teacher gets students to listen to him or her.

·My teacher keeps the class orderly.

·My teacher starts lessons on time.

·The teacher has to wait a long time for students to <quiet down>.

Mathematics Teacher’s Support

·My teacher lets us know we need to work hard.

·My teacher provides extra help when needed.

·My teacher helps students with their learning.

·My teacher gives students the opportunity to express opinions.

Cognitive Activation in Mathematics Lessons

·The teacher asks questions that make us reflect on the problem.

·The teacher gives problems that require us to think for an extended time.

·The teacher asks us to decide on our own procedures for solving complex problems.

·The teacher presents problems for which there is no immediately obvious method of solution.

·The teacher presents problems in different contexts so that students know whether they have understood the concepts.

·The teacher helps us to learn from mistakes we have made.

·The teacher asks us to explain how we have solved a problem.

·The teacher presents problems that require students to apply what they have learned to new contexts.

·The teacher gives problems that can be solved in several different ways.

Disciplinary Climate

·Students don’t listen to what the teacher says.

·There is noise and disorder.

·The teacher has to wait a long time for students to <quiet down>.

·Students cannot work well.

·Students don’t start working for a long time after the lesson begins.

Teacher Support

·The teacher shows an interest in every student’s learning.

·The teacher gives extra help when students need it.

·The teacher helps students with their learning.

·The teacher continues teaching until the students understand.

·The teacher gives students an opportunity to express opinions.

Sense of Belonging to School

·I feel like an outsider (or left out of things) at school.

·I make friends easily at school.

·I feel like I belong at school.

·I feel awkward and out of place in my school.

·Other students seem to like me.

·I feel lonely at school.

·I feel happy at school.

·Things are ideal in my school.

·I am satisfied with my school.

Teacher Student Relations

·Students get along well with most teachers.

·Most teachers are interested in students’ well-being.

·Most of my teachers really listen to what I have to say.

·If I need extra help, I will receive it from my teachers.

·Most of my teachers treat me fairly.