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An IERI – International Educational Research Institute Journal

Table 1 The ICILS 2018 Teacher scales and single items selected as proxy measurements for the basic elements of the Four in Balance model

From: Implementing ICT in classroom practice: what else matters besides the ICT infrastructure?

Four in Balance model—basic elements (definitions based on Tondeur et al., 2009, p. 392 & 393)

ICILS 2018 Teacher Scales (the items under these scales are presented in Appendix 1)

ICT infrastructure

 “[…] the right type of technology […]; sites where teachers and students can use them […]; using and maintaining ICT facilities […].”

ICT resources in the school (T_RESRC scale)

Digital learning materials

 "Educational software and content"; “[…] a spectrum of approaches to teaching and learning […]; teachers select applications of computers in line with their selection of other variables and processes […].”

Use of digital learning tools (T_USETOOL scale)

Use of utility software (T_USEUTIL scale)


 "Knowledge, attitude, and skills"; “[...] Professional development in the field of ICT means more than organizing training sessions for teachers to develop their technical skills. It is also about developing beliefs of teaching and learning and deliberately using ICT in the learning process.”

ICT use during lessons (single item)

Initial teacher education on ICT (single item)

Teachers’ ICT self-efficacy (T_ICTEFF scale)


 “[…] a shared vision of educational goals and structure is required. Such a vision consists of views about the roles played by teachers and pupils and the choice of methods and materials.”

Positive views on using ICT in teaching and learning (T_VWPOS scale)


 “Cooperation and support”; "[…] by sharing knowledge and materials, a common goal can be reached […]"; In turn, this contributes to the promotion of professionalism and a professional organization.”

Collaboration between teachers in using ICT (T_COLICT scale)

Participation in collaborative PD learning (T_PROFREC scale)


 “[…] The development of a vision on the use of ICT in educational practice means setting a direction for school development by identifying goals that are perceived as valuable by everyone involved in the ICT integration process.”

ICT as a school priority (single item)

Pedagogical use of ICT for learning

 “[…] good pedagogical use of ICT in the classroom.”

Teacher use of ICT for teaching practices in class (T_ICTPRAC scale)