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An IERI – International Educational Research Institute Journal

Fig. 3 | Large-scale Assessments in Education

Fig. 3

From: Equal opportunities for all? Analyzing within-country variation in school effectiveness

Fig. 3

Results of the regression discontinuity analyses with student-level focus. The figure displays achievement score (y-axes) means per month of age (x-axes) for mathematics (dots) and science (triangles) domains. The lines illustrate regression discontinuity results for mathematics (solid lines) and science (dashed lines). The slopes illustrate age effects. The regression discontinuities between age = 0 (oldest students in lower grade) and age = 1 (youngest students in upper grade) illustrate the added-year effects across all schools. The y-axes are centered around the samples’ overall mean achievement, with the scale limited to 100 points above and below those means. The findings are displayed numerically in Appendix B. The analyses are based on unstandardized achievement scores

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