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An IERI – International Educational Research Institute Journal

Table 2 Items for the assessment of ICT Usage outside of school and at school

From: ICT Engagement: a new construct and its assessment in PISA 2015

ICT Usage outside of school



Playing one-player games


Playing collaborative online games


<Chatting online > (e.g. < MSN® >)


Participating in social networks (e.g. < Facebook > , < MySpace >)


Browsing the Internet for fun (such as watching videos, e.g. < YouTube™ >)

 Practical usage


Using email


Reading news on the Internet (e.g. current affairs)


Obtaining practical information from the Internet (e.g. locations, dates of events)



Browsing the Internet for schoolwork (e.g. for preparing an essay or presentation)


Browsing the Internet to follow up lessons, e.g. for finding explanations


Using email for communication with other students about schoolwork


Using email for communication with teachers and submission of homework or other schoolwork


Using social networks for communication with other students about schoolwork (e.g. < Facebook > , < MySpace >)


Using social networks for Communication with teachers (e.g. < Facebook > , < MySpace >)


Downloading, uploading or browsing material from my school’s website (e.g. timetable or course materials)


Checking the school’s website for announcements, e.g. absence of teachers


Doing homework on a computer


Doing homework on a mobile device

ICT usage at school


Using email at school


Downloading, uploading or browsing material from the school’s website (e.g. < intranet >)


Posting my work on the school’s website


Playing simulations at school


Practicing and drilling, such as for foreign language learning or mathematics


Doing homework on a school computer


Using school computers for group work and communication with other students

  1. Instruction in these scales were “How often do you use digital devices for the following activities at school?” and “How often do you use digital devices for the following activities outside of school?“, respectively