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Table 4 Mean ICC for persistence, mean correlations of ability and persistence between schools and within schools, and standard deviations across countries in PISA assessments

From: Predictors of individual performance changes related to item positions in PISA assessments

PISA cycle and domain

\(\overline{\text{ICC}}_{\delta }\) (SD)

\(\overline{\rho }_{{\theta_{s} \delta_{s} }}\) (SD)

\(\overline{\rho }_{{\theta_{ps} \delta_{ps} }}\) (SD)

2006 science

.079 (.062)

.428 (.620)

−.203 (.204)

2009 reading

.085 (.044)

.427 (.345)

−.132 (.125)

2012 mathematics

.063 (.052)

.225 (.507)

−.189 (.144)

  1. Note \({\text{ICC}}_{\delta }\), the intraclass correlation for persistence; \(\rho_{{\theta_{s} \delta s}}\), correlation between persistence and ability at the school level; \(\rho_{{\theta_{ps} \delta ps}}\), correlation between persistence and ability at the student level