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An IERI – International Educational Research Institute Journal

Table 2 Bivariate and partial correlations between country characteristics and the estimated effects of parental education on three subject domains

From: Determinants of country differences in effects of parental education on children’s academic achievement

Estimated effects of Parental Education on three subject domains

Gini index

Human development index

Bivariate correlation

Partiala correlation

Bivariate correlation

Partialb correlation

With outliersc

Without outliers

With outliers

Without outliers

With outliers

Without outliers

With outliers

Without outliers

Total effect on Math









Total effect on Science









Total effect on Reading









Direct effect on Math









Direct effect on Science









Direct effect on Reading









Indirect effect on Math









Indirect effect, Science









Indirect effect on Reading









Number of countries









  1. * Correlation is significant at the .05 level (2-tailed)
  2. ** Correlation is significant at the .01 level (2-tailed)
  3. aPartial correlation of Gini and estimated Parental Education effects controlling for HDI
  4. bPartial correlation of HDI and estimated Parental Education effects controlling for Gini
  5. cOutlier countries with extreme values in HDI and Gini are Botswana, Honduras, Hong Kong and Morocco